Saturday, September 15, 2012

Still Trying to Lose Baby Weight?

Are you STILL trying to lose that baby weight?

As a mother, both new and old, we love holding our babies close and carrying them every where we go.
 The one thing we don't like carrying around are those 30, 40, 50, etc. extra pounds that stick with us even after our precious baby is born.

Weight loss for mothers is a challenge that few people truly appreciate. Some women give birth and then look fabulous the next day. Some women give birth and it only takes a month or two and they are back to beautiful.

Well, I did not fall into either one of those categories. I had two baby boys and kept the 30 extra pounds.

Mother's are busy worrying about how to feed the baby, how to change the baby and how to get the baby to stop crying. There are tons of other more important things that are the first priority for a new mom. But, there comes a time when you look in the mirror and say, "I need to lose my baby weight."

You turn a corner and you a ready to take a few minutes, or even an hour, out of your hectic day to focus on doing something good for yourself. It is in that moment that you have to choose the best method of losing weight.

Mother's need to find a plan that works for them. A cookie cutter type plan is exhausting and down right intolerable after a while. Plus, there are too many yummy snacks around the house to tempt you.

Exercise is important, but it does have to be reasonable, too. A busy mom can't just decide one day that she is going to work out for 2 hours a day. It has to be a fitness routine that fits into your lifestyle and can accommodate your schedule.

You need to set realistic expectations to achieve success.

Customized Fat Loss plan is a diet that is specific to your needs and the foods you love.

Check out the video and start your plan today!

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